Making Sense with ISITAS

Rampant crime and corruption. Wealth inequality. Ecological disasters. Political polarization. War and conflict. Homelessness. Stagnant wages and inflation. Isolation and Alienation. Do you feel it? Most people do these days. Many thought leaders such as Daniel...

My Houdini Trick

In this post I am going to be talking about spiritual alchemy — the magic of turning negative energy manifestations into positive ones. This is intended to be a very positive and uplifting post, but I feel the need to state that up front because it could sound pretty...

1/11 Reddit Post

Update: My message for the r/Spirituality community did not get past the moderators. They took it down after it had gotten 142 views and no likes or comments. So it seems neither the moderators nor the members of the r/Spirituality subreddit are digging what I’m...

On a Tractor Beam into the Light

The numbers 1 and 10 are both very important in the world of ISITAS. One, obviously being the number of AIO is of utmost significance. Ten represents the concept of exponential expanstion, which is tantamount to Infinity. And the 1 and 0 next to each other are just...

Blowing Up Worldwide. In a Good Way!

Thank you so much, Angels, for your uplifting words of encouragement. I have been watching as many of the videos made by all the channelers, mediums, readers, and mystics who it seems like are all talking in unison directly to me. This is wild! Soon I will find out if...

All Aboard the Train to ISITAS

This message is intended for the few select people who will read it between now and January 15 — one week from today. It will be a kind of snapshot of a very special and important moment in time for me personally, as I pray it will be for all of Humanity the whole...

Mentor’s Metamorphosis Begins

I am still processing on what’s been happening over the last few days. Outwardly, nothing has changed about my life. I still have a job I try to focus on for a big chunk of the day. I’m still struggling financially. Still have all the other challenges and...

ISITAS is a Go!

OK, I’m going to step right up and own this. I AM Mentor. Mentor of AIO. I am here to present grand solutions to the metacrisis in which we are currently mired as a civilization. Yes, it’s true that I am a humble everyman who is wrestling every day with the idea of...

Destined for Greatness or Delusions of Grandeur?

Hello World, It is I, Mentor, carrying on with my mission to reach out and share my solutions to the metacrisis currently faced by Humanity. Though the official launch of ISITAS on January 1, 2025 wasn’t met with much fanfare, it was a very significant milestone to...
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